Learning Brushes

Apr 15, 2020 | Watercolor

Several folks have contacted regarding brushes.

Brushes are a beautiful, elegant and utilitarian tool. Take care of your brushes and they will last you forever.

Key points

  1. Before you use your brush really soak it well. It is like a sponge. You know how a dry sponge picks up no water? A brush is the same. Make sure the inner hairs are wet as well.
  2. After your painting session clean brushes thoroughly and rest across something like your water bowl. Do not store with base down. Water should not be allowed to drip down the base – where the hairs meet the handle
  3. When painting learn how much water is in your brush by observing it, feeling its weight and testing on scrap paper. If there is too much liquid take out excess at the base not the tip,. Wrap a towel around the base to soak up some water. This is especially true if you are using an Asian Brush! They hold so much water.
  4. This is a flat brush. They come in all widths. It can be used like this as well as just the tip touching the paper as well as at least 3 other ways. Can you figure them out?
  5. Brushes can be used in all directions.
  6. This is a round ( this brush is a size 6) it too, can be used many different ways. This is of course, using just the tip. Try starting on the tip but as you pull it down lower the base watching how the width of the stroke changes.
  7. Work on moving the brush around lowering and raising the base.
  8. . What brush was used to do this? How was it done??? Share on our facebook page! Watercolor Workshop 

Try –

–Loading your brush with 2 colors

–getting your brush wet then dipping the tip in thick pigment..

–Putting paint/water on brush then spread the hairs of the brush what marks can you make?

— What can you come up with?